Thickened Fruit

Thickened Fruit

An Edstrom Family Sabbath Tradition


  • Canned Fruit Our favorites are: Pears, Peaches, Plums and/or Apricots~Commercially canned fruit is best because it usually retains it’s firmness and texture better than home-canned fruit
  • Cornstarch
  • Cold Water
  • Whole Wheat Toast
  • Heavy Cream


  • Drain the juice from canned fruit into a saucepan and heat to a gentle boil.
  • Meanwhile, dice the drained fruit with a knife while still in the can(s).
  • Then mix the cornstarch and water together in a small bowl or cup till it’s a smooth slurry. (should resemble milk)
  • Slowly stir the water-cornstarch slurry into the hot fruit juices, stirring constantly until the juice is thick and clear. Lower the heat and stir in the cubed fruit pieces until hot.
  • Serve over 1/2”-1” cubes of toast and top with heavy cream.
  • ~Do NOT omit the cream, as it will not taste nearly as good!~
Keyword Breakfast | edstrom | Fruitcake | Sabbath | Thickened Fruit | Tradition

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