Kerstin’s Amazing Puerto Vallarta Style Salsa

Kerstin’s Amazing Puerto Vallarta Style Salsa

Makes about 4.5 cups


  • 1 Can El Pato Hot Tomato Sauce 7.75oz Can
  • 3 Cans Tomato Juice use the empty El Pato can to measure Tomato Juice (I like the Kroger brand Tomato juice that comes in a plastic jug – 1 jug will make 2 batches of salsa)
  • 2 Roma Tomatoes chopped
  • ¼ c onion diced
  • ¼ c green onions chopped
  • 1 handful Cilantro chopped
  • 2 tsp jalapeno seeded and finely chopped (more or less to taste)
  • 1 tsp Hot Taco Mix De Sazonador Picante Para Tacos
  • 1 tsp Kosher Salt
  • 1 T vinegar
  • Pinch of sugar


  • Combine all ingredients.
  • Store in the fridge for up to one week.
  • Best after the flavors have had a few hours to meld.
Keyword Salsa | tomato

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