Dill Pickles – Ida Forsgren’s Famous
Make Brine of:
- 3/4 C. Pickling Salt
- 3 qts. Water not soft water
- 1 qt. 5% Apple Cider Vinegar
- To each sterile 2 qt. canning jar add:
- 1/4 tsp. Alum
- 3 large Heads Dill
- 3 cloves Garlic or 2 Jalapeño Peppers – ends cut off
- 1 Chili Pepper
- Pickling Cucumbers
Pack dill garlic, cucumbers and peppers in jars.
- Heat lids and rings.
- Heat brine and pour over packed jars.
- Put on seals and rings. (Ida does not process/water bath these further)
- Keep warm (at room temp. in the summer, covered with towels) for 24 hours before eating or refrigerating.
- It’s ok if jars don’t seal.