Mix together eggs and sugar. Place over a double boiler (Bon Marie) and heat mixture to 40° C while stirring. This is completely disolve the sugar.
Mix togehter cocoa powder and warmed milk. After completely combined, add butter. If the milk has cooled down too much, you may need to warm it a bit to incorporate the butter.
Whisk the egg and sugar mixture until light and foamy. The volume will multiply by about five. You have whisked the mixture enough when you the mixture will flow off the whisk, but still maintain a ribbon on top of the mixutre whithout flowing together.
Sift half of the flour into the egg and sugar mixture. Fold in gently. Add the remaining flour and fold in.
Temper the chocolate mixture with some of the batter and mix fully. Add to the remaining batter and fold in until well incorporated.
Add batter to a greased or lined pan. Bake at 340° F (170° C). Baking times will vary. Start with 20 min and check every 5 minutes. In a deep enough pan it may take up to 40 min. A toothpick should come out just barely cleanly.
Remove and cool in pan for 2 min. Remove from pan and cool on a wire rack completely.
Once completely cooked, slice into three equal layers approximatley ½ - ¾ inch thick. Discard remaining dome.